A long awaited WhatsApp video calling feature went live for a million users. This feature was long requested by the users and will be a straight up answer to Skype, Google Duo, Apple’s Facetime and even to WhatsApp’s Indian rival Hike.
The company said;
We want to make these features available to everyone, not just those who can afford the most expensive new phones or live in countries with the best cellular networks.
►WhatsApp users can now make video calls to their contacts over the internet (obviously). Similar to the beta version, users will continue to see a call button at the top-right corner of the conversation window.
ALSO READ: Hike Messenger Rolls Out Video Calling Feature!
► By tapping the call button, it will pop up two options – voice call or video call. Tapping on any required option (let’s say video call option), it will initiate video conversation with your contact.
► Overall UI is quite minimal with a full-screen view of the person you are calling to and buttons at the bottom to mute, switch camera and disconnect the call. The call log will differentiate between the two of the call by either showing telephone icon or a camera icon.
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Video calling is not a new feature, the biggest advantage WhatsApp has when it comes to their rivals is popularity. Apple’s Facetime is restricted on its own ecosystem, Skype isn’t great which it was used to be, Google Duo is a relatively new app to compare with. Though Hike can be compared, as it has also released the video calling feature (way earlier before WhatsApp) but in terms of popularity, it’s far behind WhatsApp.