
Play Store Update Adds Notification Channels On Android O [APK]

Notification Channels 1

Google Play Store began rolling out an update with noticeable changes – adding Notification Channels. However, this will only work if you are running the Android O previews.

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Play Store Adds Notification Channels

The latest version of Play Store brings five different channels for customization, which includes Security and Maintenance, Update Apps, App Updates Availability, Account Alerts and High Priority. This apparently brings in a lot more area of opportunity to the developers.

Notification Channels 2Although, the Notification Channels don’t replace the recently added Notification Page in Settings, but might confuse a bit because the Updates and Auto-Updates switches are essentially redundant, while the Pre-registration and Deals get uniquely available.

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The final release of the Android O is around the corner and most of Google’s core apps have already received a set of custom notification channels. This is the only notable change spotted by AndroidPolice, there might be something else buried in a corner somewhere as well. We will let you know if we find any.

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Meanwhile, you can download the APK, which is signed by Google and upgrades your existing app. Rather than waiting for Google to push out the update, you can download and install the APK, right now.

Download Play Store V8.1 APK

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