
Pay For Your Play Store Purchases Using Carrier Billing; Vodafone & Airtel

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Google is continuously looking for enhancing the customer experience. So, Google has now added carrier billing options for Vodafone and Airtel customers in India.

The carrier billing service was launched in India early 2016 for Idea customers. A few months back, it was rumored that Google is working with Airtel and Vodafone to integrate carrier billing in Play Store.

What Is Carrier Billing?

This is a feature which helps users to buy apps, games, and several other contents on Google Play Store with any need of Credit or Debit Card. This carrier billing individually stands for paying for the content you want through you phone balance for prepaid or add to your monthly phone bill for postpaid customers.

Carrier Billing

This makes paying very simple. All you have to do is while making a purchase of an app or games on Google Play Store, choose telecom operator to pay the bill.

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How To Add Carrier Billing To your Google Play Store?

It is really simple to add Carrier Billing option on Google Play Store, it is needless to say that you need an Android Device with an Active Airtel or Vodafone postpaid SIM (yes, it is only available for postpaid yet) to purchase from Google Play Store. Though this feature is available for selected users at the moment but will roll out for everyone soon.Carrier BillingGo To Google Play Store App – Slide From Left and Head Over To Account – Payment Methods – Add Payment Method and Select ‘Use Vodafone or Airtel Billing’, an activation SMS will be sent which will be free of charge. After verification, you need to save payment method and have to agree with Vodafone or Airtel’s Terms and Conditions.

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What Else?

Google hasn’t mentioned of any Vodafone or Airtel’s carrier billing option on its support page, it is still in progress. The company has recently added many alternatives to its payment service, apart from Credit and Debit Cards, they have also included Net Banking to expand the user reach.
