
Airtel: Unlimited Data For 90 Days For Rs 1,495

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After all it’s Airtel time. As and when the Jio launched it shook the entire telecom industry with its disruptive tariff plans. Now, all telecom operators has something to deal with i.e their customers/users and users tend towards the best they can have. After much of a preach and bleach, companies started to lower down their tariff.

Airtel Unlimited Data Pack

After Vodafone, Idea and BSNL it’s Airtel’s time to lower down their hefty tariff plan especially the data plan. Now, Airtel has come up with a new data plan called “Unlimited Data For 90 Days“.

Airtel’s Unlimited Data For 90 Days;

Customers with 4G handsets generally consume large amounts of data and this proposition is specifically aimed at them, Said  Ajay Puri, Director – Operations (India & South Asia), Bharti Airtel”.

The 90 days data pack is available for Rs 1,495 for the current users and Rs 1,494 for the new users. Not much of a difference though. Wait, don’t hype up, “Unlimited 4G” of course has a usage cap and a network operator like Airtel will never miss that token. So, the usage cap is 4G till 30GB and after that cap usage the speed will be switch down to 2G.Airtel Unlimited Data PackBut if you compare the pricing of Airtel’s so called “Unlimited 4G” with BSNL, then BSNL has something better than this. BSNL has a Unlimited 3G just for Rs 1,099 which is without any usage cap. Well, the only drawback is the network is not reliable, it’s only for 30 days and 3G can’t convince 4G users.Airtel Unlimited Data PackA report says that after the launch of Jio, telecom industries has dropped their rates upto 67%.

It’s really great to see the competition between the telecom operators providing disruptive tariff plans which was missing earlier or say before the Jio was launched. For users, all that matters is plans and pricing. Well, it makes us think, whether Jio has revolutionized Indian telecom industry. What do you think? Let us know your thoughts below.



  1. Vishal

    Yeah. Jio do have some effect in telecom industry. Just like DoCoMo did few years brfore