
Pixel Launcher is the new Nexus Launcher

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Google has recently rebranded their “Nexus” lineup to “Pixel” i.e this year’s Google branded smartphones will use the “Pixel” name instead of “Nexus”, which will be coming out on their official event on Oct 04. So, now we have “Pixel Launcher” replacing “Nexus Launcher”. It’s basically same as the Nexus launcher with little tweaks.

Pixel Launcher

There isn’t any cosmetic changes, but now the Calendar Icon shows the ‘Present day’ date without actually going into the app, like the iPhone’s. But, do note that this feature will only work with ‘Google Calendar’. For some reason, the stock messaging and camera icon changed to the old ICS (Ice-Cream Sandwich or Android 4.0) style in our Xiaomi device which we used for testing purpose.

Nexus Launcher                        Nexus Launcher

Furthermore, the stock icons didn’t have any cosmetic changes. Do note that the .apk file clearly states that it’s a prebuilt and it is Unofficial as of now. Overall, the UI is very neat and fluid. We expect to have an official launch soon.

Anyways, hope you like the content. What do you think about the new “Pixel Launcher”? Are you going to use it? Let us know in the comments.