
Idea Partners With Flipkart To Offer 30GB 4G Data On Buying Smartphones

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Idea partners with Flipkart to offer up to 30GB of 4G data with unlimited voice calling and no daily FUP to all those who buy a new smartphone from e-commerce website Flipkart. However, this promotional offer is available on selected 4G-compatible handsets until June 30.

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Idea Partners With Flipkart

Idea is offering two plans as part of its tie-up with the e-commerce giant; A Rs 356 recharge will bring you up to 30GB of 4G data, while the Rs 191 will land you up to 10GB of 4G data with no daily usage limit.

As mentioned above, this is not applicable for all the smartphones, but on a range of 4G smartphone models like Lenovo, Micromax, Motorola, and Panasonic, priced in the range of Rs 4,000 to Rs 25,000. The offers are also available for both existing as well as new Idea customers.

Some smartphone which comes under this promotional offer is Asus ZenFone 3 Deluxe (64GB), Blackberry DTEK50, Honor 8, Lenovo P2, Xiaomi Mi 5, Moto M and Oppo F1 Plus.

Sashi Shankar, Chief Marketing Officer, Idea Cellular said:

Idea and Flipkart have partnered to enable more Indians get online and use mobile internet on 4G smartphones. Through this association, Idea gets access to savvy online customers with heavy data usage.