
Instagram Now Allows Multiple Photos In Landscape And Portrait Mode

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Instagram began allowing multiple photos and videos (up to 10) in one post, back in February. However, it was restricted to 1:1 aspect ratio, but with the latest update, the photo sharing platform allows multiple photos/videos in any aspect ratio within one post.

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Post Multiple Photos/Videos With Any Aspect Ratio

Now, you can post photo albums in landscape and portrait mode, apparently restricting users to crop photos in squares. However, users will now have to choose either landscape or portrait format and stick with it.

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So, whether it’s 4:3, 16:9, 3:2 or whatever ratio you decide to upload, you can do so, as long as all the media in the post follows the same ratio. Instagram also added the ability to edit-tagged people after you have posted.

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In addition to that, the app for iOS now lets you save posts as a draft if you are not ready to share them. Instagram has updated the design of its app. The latest update is now available for Instagram version 12 for Android and iOS.


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