Android, Apps, News

Top 10 Global Android Apps Downloads 2017; WhatsApp Tops The Chart

Android is loaded with a bunch of apps, in which some of them are really useful in our day to day life and these apps have highest grossing download rates in the world.

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Top 10 Global Android Apps

Thanks to Statista, we have got the statistic of how far an Android app has reached among users. Without a doubt, Facebook is far ahead of the competition in Android app downloads. The top 4 most downloaded apps are all owned by Facebook.

Top 10 Global Android AppsThese Facebook-owned apps racked up 297 million downloads last month. In addition to that, Priori Data, WhatsApp is the star in the group with over 103.6 million downloads. Facebook has acquired the leading messaging service in February of 2014 for US$19 billion.

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It is worthing noting that Facebook accounts the highest share with holding WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger/Messenger Lite, and Facebook/Facebook Lite pulling a combined 297 million downloads.

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