
Facebook Merges Instagram And Messenger Notifications Under One Roof

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Facebook merges Instagram and Messenger notifications in the Facebook app itself. This new feature, which was spotted by TechCrunch, appears to be popping out from selected iOS users Facebook app. This clearly indicates that Facebook is merging notifications from Facebook (itself), Instagram and Messenger, all in one place.

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Facebook Merges Instagram And Messenger Notifications

If this update comes out, it will help users to quickly check the notifications and move back and forth between apps very easily. You don’t have to open and close separate apps every time you get a notification.

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The above images show the change in the upper right-hand corner of the screen; instead of Messenger logo, there is just a profile pic with the total number of notifications throughout all of your separate handles.

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When you tap on the top notifications, a new menu will pop up, allowing you to check your Instagram, Messenger, and facebook (of course) notifications and you can directly jump into it. This is not new, Facebook rolls out these tests to users regularly to test out the features.

Facebook’s representatives to TechCrunch said:

We are conducting a very small test to make it easier for people to discover and connect with the people and things they care about. We’re exploring ways to help people switch more easily between their Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram accounts.