
Snapchat Adds Search For Stories Feature Which Facebook Will Copy

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Snapchat adds a new Search For Stories feature and we pretty much know that Facebook is going to rip this off too. Well, Snapchat is in a tough spot, yes, everybody love Stories that is why companies like Facebook, Medium, Bumble and so on are adding their own version of this feature to its platform.

Snapchat needs to hold on to the situation and needs to do whatever it can to stay one step ahead of its copies (literally), the company has been coming out with new technology to level up the experience of users using Snapchat with Snapchat Spectacles and now, they have introduced a new search tool for stories.

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Snapchat Adds Search For Stories Feature

Back in January, Snapchat has added a new search bar to search things but now, they have extended its functionality with options to search for like “party”, which will show all party videos/Stories. There is nothing user have to do to get into the search feed, Just add a Snap to ‘Our Story’, the Snapchat’s machine learning algorithms will sort the post to the relevant feeds.

This feature has been made possible due to the Snapchat’s latest acquisition of search and recommendation app, Vurb last year. The feature is rolling out to users in selected cities today, there is no word on when this feature will be available globally.

ALSO READ: Viber Introduces New ‘Secret Message’ Looks Much Like Snapchat!

Facebook, Go Copy!

At this moment, Facebook running Stories feature on four of its platform: Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories, Messenger Day and WhatsApp Status Stories. Snapchat is facing a direct threat from the Social networking giant but still, Snapchat is trying to set apart with new features, which is pretty useful too.
