
Get Live Stock Updates From BSE On Twitter

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Twitter Stepped inn with BSE. Stock marketing is still a riddle to solve and everybody wants to have an eye on it. Ever since the growing demands of stock figures, there are a lot of Apps developed across all the platform. But BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) has put a step further collaborating with Twitter to provide live updates of BSE Sensex levels, stock prices and opening and closing figures.

BSE on Twitter

Recently Twitter has also launched “Twitter Seva” in accordance with Indian Government as an initiative of Digital India. Twitter Seva is a service to any start-up, which wants to access government irrespective of any department, they can put their queries to Startup India.

Twitter has also activated few new features for BSE, like hourly tweets of market, autoresponder for Sensex 30 stock prices, auto direct messages for opening and closing figures and live display photo that will change every two minutes to project the figure.

How To Get BSE Stock News On Twitter

  1. On Demand Stock Updates, one can tweet to @BSEIndia with the designated company hashtag to get the company’s stock price via an auto-response.
  2. To subscribe to a company’s opening and closing details through direct messages users can tweet #subscribe #companyname
  3. To unsubscribe to a company’s  stock, tweet #unsubscribe #companyname
  4. Updates are available during trading hours (9 AM to 3.30PM)

A great initiative by both Twitter and BSE making investors life a lot better. Now, users can surf their tweet and still can eye on stock rates. Is Digital India is progressing? What you think about new features? Let us know all your thoughts in the comment section below.
