
Telegram Update Brings vCards Sharing, Mark As Unread And Other New Features

Telegram Update

Telegram is possibly the best messaging application available for almost every operating system. This major Telegram update offers dozens of new features. So here are some of the noteworthy features that will improvise your telegram experience.

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Telegram Update

1. Improvised Photo, Video, And Audio Controls


Telegram’s new update allows users to replace photos or videos with the correct versions right away in case if you have sent a wrong image. So as to replace the image, start editing the image and then tap the paperclip button to replace the attached media. Furthermore, you can now add captions to photos or videos. Lastly, you can control the playback speed of audio files and make them up to 2X.

2. New Messaging Controls 


Telegram Now allows users to mark the messages as read or unread. This is beneficial in many instances and works in the exact same manner as Gmail. The new update also allows users to control the amount and what kind of data you want to send while sharing a contact. Furthermore, you can now select and share multiple contacts.

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Android Exclusive Telegram Features 

Telegram has launched some nifty features that are exclusively available only on Android. The three major highlights include;

  1. Telegram now allows users to tap and hold a profile photo to preview chats.
  2. You can now use the create link option in the formatting menu to make text URLs
  3. Using the new version it is now possible to cancel sending messages before they are sent.

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Telegram is receiving a new update the version number to 4.8.3 for iOS and 4.8.10 for Android will be receiving the above-mentioned updates. So these were some of the new features of Telegram if you come across any other feature do let us know in the comments section below.


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