Following the unending string of data scandals by Facebook, it emphasized to improve data privacy. Facebook also announced that it would shut down Partner Categories ad targeting. Well, now Instagram made a massive reduction in the amount of data, that developers can extract using the Instagram API. Here’s everything you need to know about why Instagram API call limit reduced.
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Instagram API: It’s Use!
Many third Party applications that provide users with detailed analytics, allow users to follow back new followers to improve interaction. Applications that allow users to follow/unfollow people on their behalf and help find relevant hashtags.
All these applications, require Instagram API for proper functioning. These APIs help developers to access information about users and the activity on their accounts. And then based on that information provide detailed analytics and growth reports.
ALSO READ: Here Is How Facebook’s Privacy Fixes Broke Tinder!
Why Instagram Reduced API Call Limit?
The major reason behind Instagram following these steps is still unclear. The definite reasons include the growth and revenue generation by these third-party applications. These services charge money from users and basically grow on Instagram as a parasite.

Credits: TechCrunch
Moreover, some services even offer inorganic growth while charging money. Furthermore, Cambridge Analytics scandal has also played a big part in forcing Instagram to shrink the API limit from 5,000 to 200 calls per user per hour.
ALSO READ: Privacy Concerned? Here Is How To Opt Out Of Facebook’s Data Sharing Platform
What About Developers Now?
Well, Instagram announced the new reduction in API calls without any prior announcements. This made every single application relying on APIs, unusable. Thereby, depleting the profits and hard work of genuine developers.

Credits: Mikamai
If this was announced a bit earlier developers would have definitely prepared. They could have designed applications that require fewer API calls. But there was no time frame given, which clearly choked off developers.
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