
WhatsApp Announced Verified WhatsApp Business Accounts

Verified WhatsApp Business TechDipper 1

WhatsApp has finally announced Verified WhatsApp Business accounts. Facebook-owned WhatsApp has announced that it’s testing a new tool through a closed pilot program that will allow people to communicate with the businesses.

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Verified WhatsApp Business Accounts

Verified WhatsApp Business accounts will have a green badge so people can identify a business from another person, in-turn making it easier to respond to messages. The messaging service is building and testing new tools via a free WhatsApp Business app for small companies and enterprises.

Verified WhatsApp Business TechDipper 2WhatsApp offers customer notifications like flight times, delivery confirmations, and other updates through Business accounts. WhatsApp will eventually charge companies to use some future features, but right now, it’s free.

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WhatsApp Said;

Our approach is simple – we want to apply what we have learned helping people connect with each other to helping people connect with businesses that are important to them.

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