
Instagram Live Video Feature Going Live Today, How To Access It?

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Few months ago, Instagram was rumored to test it’s Live Video Feature (Periscope Killer) for Stories.

The Facebook-owned company announced on Monday that the users in the US will start to see the feature today and all other countries will have access in the coming weeks.

Instagram Live Video Might Kill Pericope and Snapchat!

Yes, this could happen because it features more like Snapchat than Facebook Live Video. Well, this could also be a threat to Twitter-owned Periscope which is known for Live streaming feature.

ALSO READ: Instagram Is Testing Live Video Streaming, Periscope Killer!

How Does Instagram Live Video Works?

Its pretty nimble, When someone you follow is live, it will appear in the stories section of the app and some users will recieve notifications when someone they follow is live (If you have post notifications on for an account). Live videos will also appear on the app’s “explore” section.

How To Access It?

The new feature allows users to stream up to one hour of live video at a time on their account. So, users can swipe right from their Instagram feed, which launched camera. There should now be a “Start Live Video” button visible and all you have to do is to tap that button and start the live stream.

Instagram Live Video

[Image Courtsey: Mashable]

If you want to see live videos from your friends, they can be found just by checking the big ‘LIVE” badge on top of their account. The video from the stream cannot be saved directly within the app (sooner or later it also get added).

From now on, Instagram will not be used to share photos but will also be used to stream videos.
