
Google Assistant Now Serves As A New Place For Now’s Old Contextual Cards

To this time, Google Now was the main center to check the feed which Google uses to provide custom-tailored useful details or say contextual cards to the user for easy access. Later this information service was relegated to a new “Upcoming” tab in the Google app. Well, Google is bringing it all back but now into the Google Assistant.

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Contextual Cards On Google Assistant

This change was spotted in last month under testing and is said to roll out this week. Well, this update will hit you with an extra icon that pops up Assistant when invoked. Tap the icon on the top right (“Upcoming” tab) and you will be taken to a new experience.

Much like Google Now, the visual snapshot will also tell you about upcoming flights, restaurant, and movie reservations, surface suggested reminders based on commitments made in emails, nudge you about bills that need to get paid, update on stocks you follow, tell you where you parked your car, and even recommend voice apps to try.

Contextual Cards

Furthermore, it also includes invitations to explore news, weather, games, and local businesses, and Google is also planning on adding more features over time and one among them is the integration with Google Keep,, Bring, Todoist and other services. The feature is coming to both iOS and Android over the next week.


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