
Enhance Your Browser Experience With 3 New Mozilla Tools

Mozilla Tools

Lately, Mozilla has been developing some interesting applications and services. Well, Mozilla has launched some new online tools that will help improvise your browsing experience. So here’s everything you need to know about the three new Mozilla tools.

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1. Internet Health Report

Internet Health Report is a new annual ebook that Mozilla launched in April 2018. The ebook is available for free and can be read online or downloaded as an ebook. The ebook contains a detailed report of the problems people are facing with the Internet.


In the report, Mozilla tackles questions like privacy, security, openness, digital inclusion, web literacy, and decentralization. Each section tells you why it’s an issue you should understand, what people across the world are doing to tackle it, and how it affects the internet today. Definitely check out the ebook for gaining helpful information.

2. IRL Podcast

The next service launched by Mozilla is a podcast dedicated towards the online life that human beings experience. Furthermore, this podcast focuses on the things that affect our real and digital lives because of the internet. Well, the podcast is hosted by Eronica Belmont and she highlights the issues that people aren’t aware of.

Mozilla Tools For example, the latest episode talks about what you are giving up when you click that “Accept” button to give a bot or a human access to your private data. It’s a smart look at the cost of privacy and its real outcomes. Definitely check out the Podcast if online privacy and security is your concern.

ALSO READ: Mozilla Announces First Firefox Mobile Test Pilot With Lockbox And Notes!

3. Hubs By Mozilla

Mozilla Tools

The Last Tool on the list is a virtual chatbox. The Hub is based on VR and can be used for communication via voice. It is worth noting that, you can’t text anyone in the hub. You can easily create a virtual chatroom and invite others through a link. Furthermore, you don’t need a Firefox account or even firefox browser to use the service.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN6tGQ8yUUo?rel=0]

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