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WhatsApp Now Lets Group Admins Restrict Other Members From Sending Messages

WhatsApp is one of the most popular communication application. WhatsApp group help in proper organization and functioning of any organization. Well, there’s always a person who shares unwanted messages and content on these groups that have no purpose. So, the new update fixes this issue and also offers some new features.

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New features To The Group

WhatsApp today is rolling out an impressive new feature. The new feature allows a group admin to disable the chat features from the group settings. Consquently, no other member expect group admin can send messages in a group. All other participants, when the group settings are set to Only Admins,” won’t be able to send any kind of messages in the group. This includes any category of text for messages, images, videos, voice messages, etc.

This feature was necessary and important because One way people use groups is to receive important announcements and information, including parents and teachers at schools, community centers, and non-profit organizations. Hence admins can now have better tools for these use cases.

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Enable New Features

To enable this setting, open “Group Info,” tap Group Settings > Send Messages and select “Only Admins.” This setting is rolling out to all users around the world on the latest supported versions of the app on both Android and iOS. Furthermore, despite the rollout for Android, iOS, and Windows. The feature is presently available only to iOS but other platforms should be getting it soon. Lastly, once you receive the feature on your phone it can be accessed through WhatsApp Web.

Do share your thoughts and opinions on these features in the comments section below.



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