
Sgnl Wristband Lets You Hear Phone Calls Through Your Fingers

Sgnl Wristband 1

A South Korean startup called Innomdle Lab has introduced a futuristic product dubbed as Sgnl wristband, which turns your fingers into a phone receiver. This wearable is developed as a concept of Samsung’s C-Lab.

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Sgnl Wristband

When paired with a phone, the Sgnl lets you hear callers by touching your finger to your ear i.e the vibrations travel down your wrist to your fingertip generating the sound you can hear. The Sgnl also doubles as a fitness tracker because, why not?

Sgnl Wristband

IMG: Engadget

It is worth noting that, Innomdle Lab’s body conduction technology isn’t specifically meant for music playback, but The Verge representative claimed that a track streamed from a tablet via Bluetooth piped into his wrist and came out surprisingly audible through his finger.

In addition to that, Sgnl can store up to five contacts, which can be accessed using its navigation buttons. Well, this (futuristic) wearable will come to Kickstarter in March and the general sales will follow up soon after.


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