
Twitter Is Experimenting A New 280 Character Limit; Twice As Long

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One of the biggest complaints and strength of Twitter is its 140 character limit, well, the company is experimenting with 280 character limit and soon you will have more characters to express yourself on Twitter.

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Twitter 280 Character Limit

Twitter found that the 9% of all English tweets were riding the character limit, but it remains to be seen if the longer character limits will make a difference. Although the company is testing this feature will a small group of people, but anyone can try, here is how.

280 Character LimitThis is the first time in 11 years that Twitter is expanding the 140 character limit. Languages like Japanese, Korean, and Chinese let you convey about double the amount of information in one character as you can in many other languages, like English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French.

ALSO READ: How To Tweet With 280 Characters Right Now [Step-By-Step]

Earlier this month, Twitter is reported to test tweetstorm feature that will let you publish series of tweets at one go. Earlier this year, witter stopped counting @replies from the 140-character limit and in addition to that, the company has also dropped counting photos, videos, quoted tweets, and polls.

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Twitter is rumored to consider 10,000 character limit for tweets. It has already dropped the 140 character limit for Direct Messages. Twitter has been struggling to increase the user base and user engagement on its platform for some time.

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