
Here’s How To Delete Your Twitter History; No Left Out Evidence!

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Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms with more than 336 million active users. Well, if you have been using Twitter for a few years now, reading those old nerdy tweets might be awful for many users. That’s not an issue as we have different mindsets at different ages. Deleting these useless tweets is the obvious solution. So here’s how you can delete your Twitter history.

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Delete Your Twitter History: Download Your Data

Before starting the actual deletion process it is a good idea to keep a backup of your old tweets and your activity. As no one knows when you might require these tweets. So as to access your archive, head over to Twitter Settings, click on the “Your Twitter Data” tab on the left-hand column, confirm your password, and scroll down to “Twitter Archive.”

From there, you can request your Twitter and Periscope archive to be sent to the email address associated with your Twitter account.

Delete Your Twitter History

Twitter will then send you an email with all of your data. The data will arrive in a .zip file, which contains a folder within which you’ll find an index.html file. Clicking that will open an easy-to-read webpage in your browser window where you will find your entire Twitter history.

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Delete Your Twitter History: Select A Service

Once you have backed up your tweets, its now time to select a service that will help you to delete your tweets. These services will help you to manage and delete your Twitter history. The most popular of these services is TweetDelete. It is a free web tool that lets you delete your Twitter history.

Delete Your Twitter History

Furthermore, you can set a timer for the deletion of future tweets. TweetDeleter costs $5.99 a month and lets you delete up to 3,000 tweets per day. You can also auto-delete tweets of a certain age. Well, you can research and choose some other services, just ensure that they aren’t fraud.

Twitter Only allows a mass deletion of 3200 tweets at a time due to privacy and spam purpose. Lastly, you can also set a timer that will automatically delete tweets older than the specified time limit.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yv7RgG-JkJo?rel=0]

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