
5 Best Reddit Apps For Android In 2018: Door To The Front Page Of Internet!

Reddit Apps

Reddit, the front page of the internet is one of the best social media platforms. People on Reddit discuss everything from bitcoins to meme reviews and what not?. Furthermore, anything you can think about has a subreddit. Well, so as to use Reddit to its full potential using Reddit apps is a perfect choice. So here’s a list of five best Reddit apps.

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1. Reddit (Free)

Reddit Clients 3

The official Reddit Client is one of the free option available on the list. That said it’s not the worst. Offical Reddit client allows users to access all the basic features of Reddit. Well, the UI is not the best and bugs make the application feel a bit slow. Lastly, the application is the first among the bunch that gets regular new updates.


2. RedReader (Free)

Reddit Clients

RedReader is an open source Reddit Client that helps user access Reddit in a clean UI with swipe gestures to perform customizable actions, such as upvote/downvote or save/hide. Since its an opensource application you don’t have to face any unwanted advertisements and tracking. Lastly, the application supports Imgur albums, gif files, multi-account support, and even a night mode theme.


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3. Sync For Reddit (Free / $3.99)

Reddit Clients 4

Next Application on the list is one of the most feature-rich Reddit clients. Sync For Reddit offers a material theme with a card-based UI and loads of customization. The application offers Multi-account support with secure OAuth login, subreddit sync, and Multi-Reddit sync. You also get a night theme with AMOLED support and auto night mode. Performance is also a major highlight of this application.


4. Relay For Reddit (Free / $2.99)

Reddit Apps

Relay For Reddit is available both as a free and a paid version. The paid version i.e. Relay For Reddit Pro offers a material design with pleasing animations. The Reddit client offers moderator features, inline media previews, multi-account support, subreddit filters, spoiler alert support, and customization features. The application can also send you notifications based on your preference.


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5. Reddit Offline ($4.99)

Reddit Apps

Reddit Offline does exactly as the name suggests, the application pre-downloads text posts, images (including gifs, videos, and Imgur albums), and Reddit comments, for offline use. You can also schedule the app to download at specified times during the day. You can later read the content even though you don’t have an internet connection. Overall it’s a helpful application.


Do share any other Reddit apps that you use or want to see in the list, in the comments section below.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN6tGQ8yUUo?rel=0]

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