Apple introduced a good number of features that will help enrich our MacOS experience. The new MacOS Mojave will be available as a free update, to every Mac computer running MacOS High Sierra. So these are some new features of MacOS Mojave that deserve appreciation.
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1. Dark Mode
MacOS Mojave offers a new Dark Mode, that does exactly as the name suggests. Dark Mode is beneficial for working with images and reading content at night time. Moreover, it also significantly reduces the strain on eyes while working for long hours. This mode can be easily enabled across entire MacOS and different software and applications.
2. Desktop Stacks
The desktop stack is another helpful feature that helps to organize and keep your desktop clean. Well, all of a user’s content can be stacked and organized based on any number of categories. Furthermore, you can easily scrub across a stack and see previews of all the files therein.
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3. New Finder
MacOS Mojave also introduces some cool new features to Finder. One of the most helpful features is gallery view. Well, you can easily preview any movies, images, presentations, documents, spreadsheets, and PDFs easily. The enlarged preview also allows users to access some basic actions on a file.
4. Improved Screenshots
Apple has made taking screenshots on MacOS much easier and functional. Apart from the simple screenshot, you can also record videos of selected web pages. Apple has also added tools which let users edit photos more quickly and efficiently. Apart from that, you can easily share images and screenshots seamlessly from iPhones to Mac and vice-versa.
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5. Improved Security
MacOS Mojave also comes with impressive security features. Apple has focused on how various apps and software can access data on your device. Well, Safari is also more secure now. Apple has made it difficult for various companies and web services to track your internet usage.
So these were some new features of MacOS Mojave. What do you think about the features? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.
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