
What Are U2F Keys? It’s Purpose And Functionality: Explained

U2F Keys

U2F acts as an upgraded version of the two-factor authentication. Earlier, 2FA was used to prevent hacking and spamming of social media accounts and websites. But later, U2F (Universal 2nd Factor) took of 2FA and improved it in terms of security and ease of use. So here’s everything you need to know about the U2F keys.

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U2F Keys: What’s The Purpose?

The basic step to login to a website is through entering username/email-ID and password. This is the most hassle-free yet insecure way. Anyone with your password can easily log in. It’s called One-factor authentication.

U2F Keys 1

Using two-factor authentication you have to enter your password coupled with a security code, sent to you as an SMS on your registered phone number. This is a bit difficult if you are unable to access your smartphone. U2F solves the issue by acting as a security authenticator. Hence, you don’t need to enter any code while logging in.

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U2F Keys: Functioning

U2F keys are physical thumb-drive sized digital keys. These keys rely on either NFC, USB or Bluetooth two provide two-factor authentication across a variety of services. Once you store your login credentials and insert the USB drive into your computer. The browser on your computer can starts communicating with the USB security key.

U2F Keys

It uses secure encryption technology and provides the correct response that lets you log into a website. Hence, this acts as a double security layer. The NFC keys are designed for smartphones. You can easily get a U2F key on Amazon for roughly $10.

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Its supported by almost every famous browsers and websites including Google Chrome, Opera, FireFox, Facebook, DropBox, Github and many more. A well worthy addition to your digital life. What do you think about U2F keys? Did we miss anything? Do share your thoughts in the comments section below.



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