
Privacy Concerned? Here Is How To Opt Out Of Facebook’s Data Sharing

data sharing

Facebook has been gambling with your data for a long time by allowing third parties to violate user privacy on an unprecedented scale. Well, if you care about your privacy, here is how to opt out of Facebook’s data sharing platform.

ALSO READ: How To Prevent Facebook From Selling Your Browsing Data

Facebook – Cambridge Analytica; Data Sharing!

Earlier last week it became clear that Cambridge Analytica, a data analytics company, got access to more than 50 million Facebook users’ data in 2014. The data was overwhelmingly collected, shared, and stored without user consent. Do note, this was not a data breach, this was how Facebook was designed to work.

Data Sharing

This has also raised a series question about Facebook’s part in the 2016 presidential election. With an unsafe user data, any third party can capture, analyze and share data with the marketers and social media companies, which is a big threat to the user privacy.

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How To Opt Out Of Facebook’s Data Sharing Platform

With this long-ranging privacy concern, you could choose to leave Facebook entirely, however that is not a viable solution. Well, those who don’t go with #deletefacebook lead, here is how to keep your data safe from going through Facebook’s API;

  • Log into Facebook (desktop preferred) and go to App settings page
  • Click Edit button under Apps, Website’s, and Plugins.
  • You can edit/remove the accessibility of the information by the apps.
  • If not edit, click disable platform or certain apps.
  • That’s it!

Hope this article helped you in securing your privacy. Do you have any other way to safeguard your data? did we miss anything? let us know in the comment section below.


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