
Nvidia GAN AI Create Photos Of Imaginary People; Looks Perfect!

Nvidia GAN AI can now create imaginary photos of people. Well, at the first look, the images seem legit, especially with expressions. Well, don’t get twisted, these images were created by Nvidia’s incredibly powerful AI.

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Nvidia GAN AI

Developed by Nvidia’s research branch, this system is known as GAN (Generative Adversarial Network). This AI is self-motivated and constantly competes against itself for the best result possible.

It basically runs on two algorithms; one algorithm works to perform task viz generating a realistic image of an imaginary person, which is done based on a huge archive of actual photos. While the second algorithm fights to determine whether the image is real or fake.

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If the set algorithms work properly, we get a whole bunch of flashy celebrity look-alike photos. We were awestruck, as this AI does a pretty good job. However, the system isn’t perfect, sometimes it struck with freaky looking results, but this AI is promising and Nvidia intends to continue its research to make the system more reliable.

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