
Google Area 120 Incubator Gets An Early Access Program; Try Out Now!

Google Area 120 incubator is Google’s in-house startup incubator, which allows employees to work on experimental projects, like the recently launched Uptime app. Good news! Google is now letting anyone sign up to its Early Access Program and try out these apps.

ALSO READ: Uptime App By Google Lets You Watch YouTube Videos In A Unique Way!

Google Area 120 Incubator; Early Access Program

You can try out all the Are 120 incubator’s experimental app through a central website, which also grants early access to the upcoming Area 120 experiments. Alongside opening Area 120 to the public, Google has also unveiled a new experiment called Advr, a cube alike ad format that allows video ads to run in virtual reality.

So, users can engage with the cube by tapping on it, which opens up a video player to show an ad. The team behind the application explains the concept of mobile VR ad format and how to make money to fund the VR applications.

ALSO READ: Google Chrome Will Automatically Block Annoying Ads In Early 2018!

More On Google Area 120

The Area 120 team has made an application called Uptime, is a video sharing app, which lets you share YouTube video with your friends. It is available to all iOS users in the US. As Google open Area 120 for the public, you can now taste various experimental app like Uptime, Tailor, Grasshopper and more. Although not all projects are public, there are several others that are used with selected testers.

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