
Google Maps Now Lets You Create, Share Lists Of Your Favourite Places

google maps lists

Google Maps are becoming a more social app as Google rolls out a new feature that allows users to create lists of places and share them with their friends.

This feature will be a great help to keep track of places you have been to or places you want to visit or places you want your friends and family to check out when they head to a place.

Google Maps: Create and Share Lists

This feature is called Lists, much like it sounds, you can create a list of places you love, which could be a list of best street food joint or the best fashion boutiques and can be shared it list with your friends via text, email, or social media.

Google said;

You can now create lists of places, share your lists with others, and follow the lists of your friends and family when shared with you – without ever leaving Google Maps on Android or iOS.

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►So, how to create a list?

There are two ways to create a list:

  1. Open the side menu, go to your places > open saved > click on the plus sign in the blue circle at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Open the places you want to add to a new list and tap on “save”, and then select “create a new list”.

►How to share your list?

  1. Open your list and click on the share button in the top right corner. simple.
  2. You can also share a link to your list via any app on your phone (both on Android and iOS).
  3. People can “follow” your list of places (tap follow).

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►How to edit the list?

  • Go to your places > saved tab > tap on three dot menu > click “edit list”. You can add and remove places from the lists directly.

There is no shortage of places to add to your lists, Now, you can map everything (and share it as well) from local hotspots to the top world destination. Go, create one for yourself (which could the places you visited or you want to visit).

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