
Pokemon Go Launched In India, Here Is How To Catch Santa Hat Pikachu?

pokemongo big

Pokemon Go has finally made it to India, now available for download in India. The game has been released on both iOS and Android platform.

Pokemon GO has been brought to India by Niantic (The Pokemon Company) in association with Reliance Jio. Well, as a part of the partnership, all the Jio retail locations and charging stations throughout the country will appear as PokéStops and Gyms within the game. Addition to that, Pokémon GO will also have access to the exclusive Pokémon GO channel on the JioChat messaging app.

Early Shots, Sideloading Pokemon Go…

Pokemon GO was released in July for both iOS and Android, but only in selected regions. Since then players from India have been finding ways to play it, mostly by sideloading the APK on their Android device.

Pokemon Go

Niantic has also preventing players in some regions from playing the game, by disabling the PokeStops and clearing all the data of the game map. Well, there is no statement from the company about why the game was being delayed. With the Reliance Jio’s partnership, the game is now finally available to players in India.

ALSO READ: Reliance Jio ‘Happy New Offer’ Could Extend Beyond March 31, 2017

How to catch Santa Hat Pikachu?

This is pretty interesting as Niantic labs are giving Special edition Santa Pikachu as a Christmas gift. If Pikachu isn’t your favorite, well Niantic also lets you do a makeover of your favorite Pokemon character.

Pokemon Go

Image: Pocket-lint

The special edition festive Pikachu has already gone live on December 12 and will be out until December 29, basically covering the whole of the Christmas.

Niantic Labs Said;

The new Santachu will be appearing in “large quantities”, so aside from the fun of the special edition character, you’ll be able to stock up on Pikachu candy help you gather enough to evolve into Raichu.

The Pokemon Go Christmas edition has just started, so you have plenty of time to head out and catch one yourself. And who knows, you may also get Santachu.
